Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Here are all of our Super Second graders I am so very grateful for!!! 

Hi families!!
We've wrapped up November,  month full of reading, writing, math, a study of Veteran's Day, and a study of the history of Thanksgiving.  We've also learned about facts and opinions, and 2 digit addition! 
Thank you all for attending Parent Conferences this week and if I missed seeing you, I will be in touch to schedule a time to talk soon! 

Here's are some pictures of our recent projects and a group photo of
 Toy Day!

I want you to know I am thankful for each and every one of your children and feel very blessed to be their teacher! 

I wish all of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving! See you in December! 
We read the book A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting and had to make our own turkeys!!
Here we all are on Toy Day!  It was fun to finally celebrate earning 5 Brownie Points! 


We preformed "surgery" on contractions last week! We wore protective masks, cut away the parts of words that don't belong and put them together with a band aid!! It was such fun to learn about apostrophes and the two words that make up our commonly used contractions.
Dr. Emma combines I and have

Dr. Janely combined he and would!

she+ will = she'll
Our group of student doctors preparing for surgery.

Monday, November 10, 2014


The fifth grade teachers.

The First grade teachers were the 5 little Monkeys
Jumping on the Bed!

Ms. Frizzle was here!

Happy Halloween from the 2nd Grade team!
Mrs.Marsh and Mrs. Wiggs were part of the Word Wall.
  Mrs. Shaw was Ms. Frizzle and Miss Kessler was Super Girl, while I went as Wonder Woman!

We measured their height with snap cubes
 and the circumference with string!
We had a fun day on Friday, October 31st!! We spent the morning learning about pumpkins.  We studied their properties, made predictions about the number of seeds and measured them in different ways!  We weighed the pumpkins and measured their circumference and finally cut one open and counted all the seeds in groups of tens!!   541 total!
We also measured how many pumpkins tall we are!! Check out our pictures below!

They were heavy!  I think our heaviest was about 16 pounds!
Here are our heights in pumpkins!
Here are more of our heights in pumpkins!
In the afternoon our celebration and parade were both so much fun!! Thank you, Mrs. Ajavananda for coming in and helping out!!
Thank you to everyone who sent in treats or pumpkins!
Ww cut it in half and counted 54 groups of 10 plus one extra!
Here is my favorite candy corn ever in the parade!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Guest reader

We had Logan's mom come in as our first guest reader!! She read Dr. Suess's ABC book!! It is a favorite!! Thanks so much for coming in, Mrs. Schnitzer! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Open house

Thank you thank you everyone!! I really enjoyed seeing all of you who were able to attend Open House last night!  Our students did such a wonderful job showing everyone around!! 


In science we are beginning the study of interactions.  We have experimented by putting two different objects together to see if they effect one another.  We put a candy in water, used a magnet to attract a paper clip and figured out how to make a light bulb light using only a D cell battery, a copper wire and a low watt light bulb.

Today (10/3) we used our breath to change the pH of water from a neutral to an acid with our carbon dioxide!  BTB (a chemical that detects acids and bases) was diluted into water and just simply blowing into it with a straw was all it took to turn the blue solution into a yellow-green color!  The sounds of the bubbles we created in the quiet room cracked me up, so I had to take a video!! Science is hilarious (and fun too)!  

Monday, September 29, 2014

Apple Day!!!

We used an apple slicer!
It separated the apple from the core.
We had to push down really hard.
 Mrs. Lopez had to help.

  It looked really cool!
The slices went into the slow cooker.
Then we sprinkled on brown sugar
 and the spices with a splash of water!
We learned about contractions while it cooked.

We made them into headbands!
We read a recipe and
answered questions about it. 
We also made apple kids!
We wrote about what we did.

By late afternoon they were cooked and the room smelled great!
We used the food mill to grind up the apples.

Hooray, Friday was Apple Day!!
Turning the crank was hard work!

We had a fun, apple filled day today!  We started making cute apple kids! Then we started making our applesauce with all the apples everyone brought in!  We took turns cutting them up with a slicer and popped them into the crockpot to slowly cook all day long.  
We also made apple headbands decorated with contractions.  We answered questions about an apple recipe similar to the one we followed and used our answers as a starting off place for our writing today.  
When we returned from lunch, the room was beginning to smell delicious.  During math we played apple themed addition games.  Later we learned about Johnny Appleseed on bookflix and on Brainpop Jr. 
The final step of the applesauce process was to run the cooked apples through a Foley food mill.  Each student had a turn to turn the crank.  Then it was time to taste test!!  Most of the class really liked it and some had seconds!  All in all it was a beautiful fall day and we had a ball learning and celebrating apples and Johnny Appleseed.

Thank you for sending  in the apples!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Odyssey of the Mind

Happy Friday!!
We have had a super busy week and have wrapped with a super busy day!! We are getting more and more independent with our Daily 5 activities (more on that to come) and are practicing  Math workshop routines (more on that later, too!).

This afternoon we learned a bit about the Odyssey of the Mind program and tried our hand at solving a problem given to Odyssey teams in the past. What a Blast!!  Students were working together, sharing their ideas and using critical thinking skills.    Check out our pictures below! 

Look in take home folders for information on being a part of a Canal View team! Also look on the district website for more information!  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Off to a great start!!

Morgan found acorns on the playground!  A sure sign of fall!

Climbing the 'rope' ladder!
These kiddoes just like hanging around!!

Cameron's climbing!
Yesterday was the 10th day of school!!
I can't believe we are in double digits already!!
We have spent much of our time learning routines and expectations.  This means we have done lots of practice and repetition of class activities, it can get a bit tedious!  So I thought I'd post some pictures of us running around on the playground!! Recess is everyone's favorite time of day!
I love this fall weather and watching kids play!! 
Enjoy these fun pictures and this first post of 2014-2015!! 

Kelsey enjoys hanging around too!